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Author Principles

At Pinsmack, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality, original content that resonates with readers and elevates their experience. Our team of in-house writers is the backbone of our platform, chosen for their passion for storytelling, creativity, and commitment to our core values. Every writer we select contributes to shaping the voice and identity of Pinsmack, ensuring we provide content that not only entertains but also inspires and provokes thought.

How We Select Our Writers

1.1. Expertise & Passion

We believe in selecting writers who are not only skilled but deeply passionate about their craft. Our writers are experts in their respective genres, whether it’s fiction, or specialized fiction topics. We value a profound understanding of storytelling elements such as character development, thematic exploration, and emotional depth. Writers are chosen based on their ability to connect with readers and create stories that leave a lasting impact.

1.2. Diverse Voices

At Pinsmack, we are committed to fostering diversity and inclusivity in both the background and perspectives of our writers. We actively seek out voices that bring unique cultural insights, life experiences, and diverse viewpoints to the platform. By reflecting the complexity and richness of the human experience, we ensure our content resonates with a wide range of readers.

1.3. Creative Process

Our in-house writers are more than just wordsmiths—they are collaborators. They work closely with our editorial team to refine their ideas and produce content that is polished, engaging, and meaningful. This collaborative process provides our writers with the opportunity to grow and innovate while ensuring that the final product resonates with our audience. It’s a space for creativity to thrive and evolve.

1.4. Writing Style

We recognize that readers have varied tastes when it comes to writing style. Some enjoy simplicity and brevity, with action-packed, direct lines like "Okay, said Beth," that convey immediate emotion and movement. Others are drawn to immersive, descriptive writing that pulls them into another world, like "The morning began with an explosion of sound that shattered the tranquility of the early hours. The Duke of Gloucester jolted awake, his heart pounding in his chest." At Pinsmack, we embrace the full spectrum of writing styles, ensuring that there is something for everyone. Whether subtle or elaborate, concise or expansive, we celebrate the diversity of approaches that captivate readers in different ways.

1.5. Commitment to Quality

At the heart of everything we do is a commitment to quality. Our writers are selected for their ability to deliver stories that meet the highest standards—stories that spark emotion, inspire thought, and provide an escape into new worlds. Every piece of content is carefully crafted, ensuring that our readers receive nothing less than the best.

Scouting: Discovering Fresh Voices

At  Pinsmack, we understand that every story has the potential to captivate, inspire, and challenge readers. As we scout new writers, we aren’t just looking for someone who can write—we’re searching for someone who brings something fresh and exciting to the table. We look for writers who offer a unique perspective, an innovative narrative style, or a story that enhances the diversity of our collection.


We welcome writers at all stages of their careers—whether they are emerging talents with raw potential, established authors seeking new opportunities, or seasoned writers looking to explore fresh creative directions. This dynamic approach allows us to continually evolve and discover voices that reflect the richness of human experience. By embracing writers from all backgrounds and experiences, we ensure that our platform remains diverse and multifaceted, offering content that entertains, challenges, and provokes thought.

Our scouting process is open-ended, allowing us to explore both traditional and alternative platforms, literary events, and independent publications, including social media. We actively seek out emerging writers who may not have had the opportunity to be seen in mainstream circles but whose work shows great promise. In doing so, we provide these writers with a platform to share their stories with a larger audience.

At Pinsmack, it’s not about filling a gap with another writer—it’s about discovering voices that resonate with our core values of creativity, authenticity, and connection. We aim to push the boundaries of storytelling and explore the potential of what literature can be.

The Approach and Conversation: Building Trust and Clarity 

Once we’ve identified a promising writer, we believe in fostering an open and transparent conversation about what it means to be part of the Pinsmack brand. We take the time to explain our platform’s philosophy and approach, ensuring that both the writer and Pinsmack are aligned on expectations, values, and goals.

It’s important to us that our writers understand from the outset that Pinsmack is not focused on building celebrity authors or author brands. Instead, our primary goal is to curate high-quality, compelling content that serves and engages our readers. We believe in creating stories that reflect the diversity of human experience, and our focus is on content, not individual fame.

We are committed to protecting the intellectual property of our writers. Any existing works, whether traditionally published or self-published, remain the property of the author or their publisher. We do not publish or acquire pre-existing works. Our focus is on creating new, original content that reflects the writer’s voice and creative vision. This allows our authors to retain full ownership of their past works, ensuring their creative freedom remains intact.

Once a writer begins contributing new content to Pinsmack, however, all rights to that content belong to Pinsmack. This is necessary to protect the exclusivity of the work and uphold the integrity of the platform. Writers are not permitted to share or publish their Pinsmack content elsewhere, as doing so would breach our confidentiality agreement and contractual obligations. If a writer decides to part ways with Pinsmack, all content created during the partnership remains the property of the platform.

We are also committed to fair and transparent compensation. At no point will we ask a writer to provide original work for Pinsmack without appropriate payment. Similarly, we do not charge writers to publish their work. If any communication suggests otherwise, it is not from a legitimate Pinsmack representative, and we encourage writers to report such incidents immediately. Our recruitment process is based on respect, fairness, and a shared dedication to high-quality content.

Agreement: Finalizing the Partnership


Once we’ve had the discussions and negotiations, and both Pinsmack and the writer are aligned on the terms, we formalize the partnership with a contract. The contract outlines all details of the agreement, including compensation, content ownership, deadlines, and other key terms. This ensures clarity and transparency for both parties.

Once both parties agree to the terms and sign the contract, the partnership is official. This marks the beginning of a professional and mutually beneficial relationship between Pinsmack and the writer. From this point, the writer can begin contributing new content, which Pinsmack will share with our audience, always upholding the highest standards of quality.

The contract also covers intellectual property protection, confidentiality clauses, and the consequences of breaching the agreement. We make sure the writer fully understands their rights and obligations, and the importance of maintaining confidentiality about the platform and its operations.

By finalizing the agreement, we establish a foundation of trust and professionalism that ensures both Pinsmack and the writer are committed to fulfilling their roles. This sets the stage for a successful collaboration that results in high-quality content that enriches the Pinsmack platform.

Updated : January 5, 2025

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